Tuesday 11 September 2012

"Like us" Shameless promotion

We've entered a competition at our local vets. All the cute animal photos are going to be judged and the 12 cutest will be made into a calendar, the sales of which are to raise funds for our local pets corner.

Obviously having a small boy we love pets corner. Especially their ducks (as that's the baby's favourite (only) word so far! And it's run by volunteers and recently had their funding cut, like a lot of charities, in this current climate. So support this great little place by supporting us!

Please just click on these links to Facebook and "like" our photos so we can win and be in the calendar.

And tell all your friends to 'like' us too!
Pretty please (we like winning)?

Buttons adds: Hey lady, what's in it for me???

Ps I've tried to make the links linky now! But I'm no web wiz so you may have to return to the days of yore and control A, control C, control V!

